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Seminar "The Geopolitics of Gas and the Future of the Euro-Russian Relation until 2035"

December 06, 2019

On December 6th, at the National Defense Institute (IDN), took place the International Seminar "The Geopolitics of Gas and the Future of the Euro-Russian Relation until 2035". The seminar aimed to present the results of the research project "Geopolitics of Gas and the Future of the Euro-Russian relationship - Geo4Ger (FCT - PTDC / IVC CPO / 1295/2014), which analyzed the complex geopolitical relationship between the EU and the Russian Federation and presented a set of scenarios for this relation over the next 20 years.

The research project is coordinated by Professor Dr. Carla Patrício Fernandes, developed by the Portuguese Institute of International Relations, financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology and with the National Defense Institute as an associated institution.

The seminar was attended by lecturers Professor António Costa Silva, who spoke about innovation in the areas of "Energy, Technology and Energy Security", Professor Licínia Simão, Professor Maria Raquel Freire and Dr. Aleksei Grivach, who presented "The Euro-Russian Energy Relation: actors and challenges". The last panel of the day presented the results of the project's research project by Carla Patrício Fernandes and Professor José Félix Ribeiro. 

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